Home energy assessment

Start saving money with your free home energy assessment.

What is a home
energy assessment?

Whether you live in a single-family home, double or apartment complex, Energy Smart can help you find ways to save money on your energy bill. The first step to find out where your home might be losing energy is through a home energy assessment.


How home energy assessments work

An Energy Smart energy advisor will complete a one-hour walk-through of your home, looking for ways to reduce your energy usage and cost. During your assessment, your energy advisor may install free energy-saving products such as LED light bulbs, a smart thermostat, advanced power strip, faucet aerators and pipe-wrap.

Through this assessment, you may be eligible to receive energy-saving weatherization services, such as attic insulation, air sealing, duct sealing and tune-ups for your air conditioner, at little to no cost.

Home energy assessments

Home Performance with ENERGY STAR®

Homeowners or renters living in a home or a building with one to four units. 

Renters will need permission from their landlord. Complete Landlord Permission Form prior to your assessment.

Income-Qualified Weatherization

Income-qualified households (homeowners or renters living in a home or building with one to four units) may be eligible to receive weatherization services at no cost. View the table below to see if you may qualify.

View table
Individuals per household 2024 maximum annual household income
For each additional family member

Multifamily Solutions

Customers living in a building with five or more units. 

  • Tenant must contact property manager to schedule an assessment for the entire building.
  • Property manager must submit the request form.

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