Custom incentives

Equipment upgrades
Equipment upgrades are considered custom when they are outside the scope found on the equipment incentive list and can achieve verifiable electricity usage reduction. These include lighting upgrades for 24/7 operations and special case scenarios, building automation system upgrades, premium efficiency motor and variable frequency drive installations and more. All custom projects require pre-approval that most likely includes a pre-installation site visit prior to moving forward with purchasing equipment or implementation.
New incentive caps to cover more of your energy-efficient projects
Per-project cap $200,000
For lighting, non-lighting or a combination of both.
Annual customer cap $600,000
Across all project and accounts.
Custom incentives
- 12.5 cents per kWh saved for custom lighting projects in facilities with peak demand >100 kW (large commercial).
- 15 cents per kWh saved for custom lighting projects in facilities with peak demand <100 kW (small commercial).
- 15 cents per kWh saved for all custom non-lighting projects.

Cash incentives
Required application documents
- Application/calculator.
- One Entergy New Orleans utility bill for project site.
- Itemized proposal/estimate.
- Proposed equipment specifications.
Proposed equipment certifications (DLC,
ENERGY STAR®, AHRI). - W-9 for incentive payee.
- Photos of existing equipment.
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Ready to get Energy Smart?
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